About Us
Welcome to the home of Keynes Controls instrumentation.
We are a group of geotechnical and electronics engineers in the UK with many years of experience throughout the world in design, manufacture, and supply of intelligent sensors, data acquisition systems, and geotechnical instrumentation. Our combined experience means that our equipment can be easily adapted to provide unique solutions to electronic and geotechnical projects.
The next generation of Data Acquisition Systems, Intelligent Instrumentation, Integrated Geotechnical & Geo-environmental solutions sensors and a range of applications using advanced digital signal processing hardware and mathematical techniques.
Keynes Controls Ltd designs manufacture and supplies a range intelligent instrumentation which includes vibrating wire instrumentation and analyser units. Network Synchronised Data Acquisition Solutions, Data Recording and control systems.
The company maintains a complex mathematics library of tried and tested routines that enable the efficient creation of code for many tasks.
All of our products are designed and manufactured at our facility in Reading Berkshire UK.